Students in the Syracuse University Beer & Wine appreciation class wrapped up their semester with an important lesson on Yuengling Beer! Professor Tim Bar invited us into his classroom to share some information about the history and products of America's Oldest Brewery. Students got a great feel for the company as they watched a recently produced company video featuring interviews with several key members of the Yuengling team. They learned about the brewing process and the distinct characteristics of each of our brews. Students sampled Lager, Light Lager, Black & Tan, Porter, and Lord Chesterfield Ale. At the end of the class, students played Yuengling Trivia, and participants with the correct answers were awarded Yuengling shirts and flags. Thank you to Professor Tim Bar and Cali Bar for inviting us to help close out another semester. Also, thank you to Drew Byrnes and Steve Collins for representing Yuengling.

Did you mention the distributor in Seattle who flew Yuengling porter there in the 1970s, when there were only 3 brewers in the US making the stuff?
That's actually a key moment in the microbrewery revolution which largely emanated from the Pacific Northwest.
The role of Yuengling Porter in shaping Seattle's taste back then is your opening to a new and important market too, isn't it? You already have significant, if not revered, name recognition in Seattle if I'm not mistaken. Use it.
The product you choose for them had better be good though; aye, how I like you wish that old copper kettle had been preserved.
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