Yuengling Brewery is a destination spot for beer enthusiasts from around the world. Recently we had a family come all the way from New Zealand to tour the brewery! The Butcher family visited the United States the first time in October to attend their son's wedding. Michael Butcher, the groom, is a bartender in the Washington D.C. area and an avid Yuengling fan. After telling his family all about America's Oldest Brewery and our products, it was a must see destination when they came to the country for the first time this fall.
The Butcher family joined their soon to be in-laws, the Kelly's for a private tour of the brewery and were lucky enough to meet Mr. Yuengling along the way. They had a great day at the brewery and were appreciative of the chance to walk through such a historic American landmark. The wedding that followed was a wonderful event, that was held at the Schuylkill County Council for the Arts, which is located in the former Yuengling family mansion. This building was donated to the SCCA in 1978 and is on the National Register of Historic Places.
Congratulations to Michael Butcher and Bridgette Kelly on your recent marriage. Thank you for including Yuengling as part of your wedding events!

Wonderful memories of a really welcoming community. Although we don't get Yuengling in New Zealand I am always wearing my Yuengling tee shirt and hat and getting a lot of comments on them! We look forward to when we can return and have another lager!
wear can I find some black&tan made with chesterfield ale & porter? neer ambler pa
Half Chesterfield and Half Porter is an old recipe the brewery used to produce under the label Half & Half. We no longer produce Half & Half, but you can achieve the same flavor by mixing one on your own, all you need is Yuengling Dark Brewed Porter and Lord Chesterfield Ale. If you have a bar near you that carries both products, tell them the mix and request one!
Thanks for reading, enjoy your Half & Half.
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